Export Oriented Unit (EOU)
Under EOU Scheme, are allowed to be set up manufacture of goods including repair, re-making,
re-conditioning, re-engineering or rendering of services, sectors allowed to be set up with
objective of exporting entire production of goods manufactured like Gems & Jewellery units
making plain/ studded jewellery, or for cutting/polishing of diamonds or semi-precious
floriculture, horticulture or other agricultural products units including agro processing,
aquaculture, animal husbandry, Pisciculture, Viticulture, Poultry, Sericulture,
bio-technology and
quarrying of granites or cutting of marbles can also be set up or services except limited
sale in
Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) as provided under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP).
The trading unit/ trading activity is, however, not permitted under the scheme.